
Integrated Initiative for Designing Future Society & Data-Driven Innovation Initiative Joint Symposium Call for Posters for Poster Session

In order to realize the vision of “Kyushu University that drives social change with integrative
knowledge,” as stated in the “Kyushu University VISION 2030,” we aim to present practical initiatives
and ideas that utilize integrative knowledge within our university to solve societal challenges and
contribute to the transformation of the social and economic systems. We also encourage understanding
of and participation in the Integrated Initiative for Designing Future Society and the Data-Driven
Innovation Initiative.
The purpose of this poster session is to encourage and facilitate research and initiatives aimed at
solving social issues conducted by the faculty, staff and students of our university, as well as promote
exchanges between researchers, students and staff from different fields. We hope that this event will
lead to social change through integrative knowledge.

The poster must be related to one of the three entry points((1)Decarbonization, (2)Medical and
Health, (3)Environment and Food)which are the strengths of our university, as well as either (4)DX
or (5)Next Issue (a field that is expected to become a new strengths or distinctive feature of our
university). It also must be related to initiatives and ideas that solve social issues through cross‐disciplinary approaches.
Individuals or groups affiliated with Kyushu University
Faculty Division: Faculty and staff of Kyushu University
Student Division: Students of Kyushu University (including JSPS Postdoctoral Fellows and other
researchers not employed by Kyushu University)

[Presentation Date/Venue]
-Presentation Date: 12:30-13:10 September 3rd, 2024
-Venue: Lobby of INAMORI Center, Ito Campus

Faculty Division:
Excellence Award: 150,000 yen (1 recipient)
Encouragement Award: 100,000 yen each (Approximately 3 recipients)
Student Division:
Excellence Award: 100,000 yen (1 recipient)
Encouragement Award: 50,000 yen each (Approximately 3 recipients)

[Poster Presentation Submission Period]
June 11, 2024 ~ until 5:00 p.m. July 29, 2024
Please enter the required information such as presentation title and presenter’s name through the
following website and complete the application registration.
[Application form]
5:00 p.m. Friday, August 23, 2024.

Contact information
Secretariat of the Joint Symposium of the Integrated Initiative for Designing Future Society & DataDriven Innovation Initiative

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